The Characters from Coffee Prince (:

Coffee Prince is an amazing drama, refer to The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince for more information about the story and series as a whole.

Main Cast:


Yoon Eun Hye as Go Eun Chan

She’s a high-spirited girl and very tomboyish. Her father passed away which left her as the breadwinner of the family. Eun Chan takes on every job she can just to earn money for her family. On one of her jobs she delivers to Choi Han Kyul, and later on she meets him again. He mistakes her as a guy and hires her to pretend to be his “boyfriend”. The two start spending more time together and when Han Kyul is told to work at this coffee shop, she gets him to get her a job there. Still thinking she’s a guy, he decides to hire only “princes” and she hides her identity of being a girl to keep her job.


Gong Yoo as Choi Han Kyul

He’s a young and handsome heir to a food empire. He likes playing the field and doesn’t want to settle down anytime soon. His grandmother wants to see him settling down, so she starts setting him u on blind dates, after his return to Korea, so he can find someone he can marry. Hating the idea, he winds up meeting Eun Chan randomly and thinks she’s a guy and decides on impulse to hire her as his fake boyfriend to drive away the girls he meets on his blind dates. Unhappy with him after this, his grandma sets him with a task in restoring and running an old run down coffee shop in Seoul.


Lee Sun Gyun as Choi Han Seong

Even though he’s Han Kyul’s cousin, he’s a lot different from Han Kyul. Han Seong has a charming and humble demeanor and is respected as a music director. Eun Chan falls for him easily. On her job for delivering milk she meets him along her route. For eight years Han Yoo Joo had been his girlfriend, but she left him. She starts coming back around and he has a hard time deciding if he should let her back in his life when she asks him to.


Chae Jung Ahn as Han Joo Yoo

At the beginning of the series we find out that she left Han Seong for another man two years beforehand. She moved to New York to work as an artist, but comes back to Korea. Finding Han Seong she asks him to give her a second chance, to start over in their relationship. She also happens to be close to Han Kyul who is infatuated with her and has been for 9 years. Out of respect for his cousin he keeps his feelings to himself.

The Baristas:


Kim Dong Wook as Jin Ha Rim

The mischief maker in the group of baristas. He’s a fun-loving guy who always refers to Eun Chan as “My Chan” – thinking she’s too cute to be a guy.


Kim Jae Wook as No Sun Ki

The waffle cook! He’s half-Japanese and attracts all the girls in shop. He has a silent and brooding nature and an air of mystery about him.


Lee Eon as Hwang Min-yeop

The guy you just want to give a big bear hug to! He’s goofy and simple-minded and in love with Eun Chan’s sister, Eun Sae, and tries to win her heart even though she develops a crush on Sun Ki.

—–The actor, Lee Eon, at the age of 27 died in a motorcycle accident on August 21, 2OO8. He had been on his way home from a party that was celebrating the final day of airing for Strongest Chil Woo. His motorcycle ran into the guardrail of an overpass in Hannam-dong, Seoul, at around 2 AM. It was said he died almost immediately. R.I.P Lee Eon!!!—–


Kim Chang Wan as Hong Gae Sik

The ex-Coffee Prince President. He’s been trained to be a barista in Italy. In the beginning, he’s the only one who knows Eun Chan’s real identity.

Other Characters:


Han Yeh In as Go Eun Sae [Eun-chan’s sister]


Kim Young Ok as Han Kyul’s grandmother

I have three favorite characters in Coffee Prince. First I would like to say that it was a very tough decision to make since at the end of watching this lovely drama you will love all characters so much… it will be hardly doubtful you end up having just one favorite. Nevertheless, I thought I would pick only three favorite, and knowing that Eun Chan and Han Kyul will be picked for the most part, I decided to go with Choi Han Sung, Jin Ha Rim , and No Sun Ki. Arghhh, it was tough to leave big teddy bear Hwang Min Yeop behind, but… ce la vie.

-Choi Han Sung was acted by Lee Sun Gyun, one of my favorite actors at the moment. In terms of acting, this guy will make you fall in love with him even when he is not the typical eye-candy. That is exactly how I felt about him in Coffee Prince. I liked his laid-back attitude the most, and also the relationship between him and Eun Chan was lovely.

-Jin Ha Rim. This cutie pie was hilarious, and always the live of the party. I just loved him for being so cute… is there another reason? :p

-No Sun Ki. I love mystery in a man, and this guy provided plenty of that haha… plus, when you add mysterious man with sexy-hunk to the plate, what’s not to love? –JADEEYES

I have three favorites as well. I love all of the characters though. This drama had a stellar cast, but alas there’s always a few that stick out more than others for me. Go Eun Chan, Min-Yeop, and Jin Ha Rim were my favorites. Don’t get me wrong, Gong Yoo was super smexy and lovable, but I’ve found that I usually don’t have the main leads (especially the main male lead) as my favorite characters. I tend to love the goofy/eccentric side characters. For me, it’s those side characters that make the drama more enjoyable.

Go Eun Chan– What can I say? This character was just wonderful. I love the fact that she is a tomboy (I am a tomboy myself although I used to be more tomboyish when I was younger.). Now it’s not just the fact that her character is a tomboy, it’s that you can actually tell she is a tomboy unlike some characters in dramas where they are “boyish”. Except not really because they are clearly wearing heavy makeup and girly clothing. That bothers me, if the character is a tomboy, she better act like one. And this made is a little more convnincing that the others thought she was a pretty boy. Also, I’m just a big fan of Yoon Eun Hye, i love her acting and her unique looks. She also isn’t afraid of trying out different roles, in one role she a girl posing as a man, in another she’s a goofy, artsy girl that is cheerful (and girly), in yet another she’s an arrogant, rich girl who doesn’t take any crap from anyone.

Jin Ha Rim– LOVE this character. He was just so fun and adorable. I liked how playful and mischievous he was. Always trying to lighten the mood and have fun. Very handsome as well. The comradery between the baristas in general is so fun to experience. I love seeing characters in a drama that just have such spark with each other that they are able to banter back and forth. His character seemed to be the root of most of this.

Last, but certainly NOT least: Hwang Min-Yeop — Awesome character, like JADEEYES said, complete and total teddy bear. He has the outward appearance of a tough guy, but inside he’s soft and fluffy. :3 He’s so simple-minded and sweet. It made my heart melt. There would be scenes where you sould tell he was struggling to understand something, but it just completely went over his head. It made me want to hug him, pat him on the head, and say,”It’s ok, don’t think too hard.” lol Which the other Admins would tell you, is a funny thing to picture. He’s a big guy, and I’m a miniscule 4’10 1/2″ girl. XD
On a less cheerful note, when I finished watching this drama I went to look up the cast to see what else they had acted in. That’s when I found out about Lee Eon passing away. I was really upset, he was such a talented and promising young actor. May he rest in peace in the big Coffee Shop in the sky. –sleepninja

Ohh choosing a favorite is so hard to do! I loved the entire cast! From the main characters to the side characters, all were characters I found myself loving! Since the others chose 3 favorites I will talk about 3 that I loved!

Min-Yeop! As JADEEYES and sleepninja said, the big loving teddy bear! He was my personal favorite from the drama because of his simple-minded adorable behavior. He tries so hard at getting Eun Sae to love him that he’ll literally do anything as long as it makes her happy. How can you not like that big lug :p  His character always made me smile and to me, he stood out the most. After I finished the series I went to look up the cast and found out about his death. It made me sad, I pictured his character from Coffee Prince and imagined that’s how he was like in real life and it didn’t seem right. Poor guy, R.I.P 😥

Han-Kyul! Gong Yoo as our lead is more than just eye-candy. When his character started questioning himself on his sexuality, haha or as what I’ll forever think of as “The Nakatsu Phase” – he likes a girl but yet he doesn’t know she’s a girl so he begins to question his orientation. And when he goes to the therapist? Haha I didn’t know they made pills that “helped” in that area. Han-Kyul starts off pretty arrogant like most of your wealthy leads, but later on becomes someone you can’t help but love! He and Yoon Eun Hye have really great chemistry, the two of them together was a great pairing! 

Jin Ha-Rim! “My Chan” – soooo cute! He was my second favorite of the baristas (yet I loved them all 😀 , okay well Mr. Hong kind of creeped me out sometimes but anyways…), Ha-Rim was fun! (: –crazy4you

Related Posts:

Yoon Eun Hye’s Gallery

Yoon Eun Hye’s Profile

Posted on January 4, 2012, in Dramas/Series and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I finished watching empress Ki… Now I said to myself what to watch next? Coffee prince is such an easy drama to watch and follow, funny characters and Go Eu Chan and Han Kyul made a great couple and very convincing in their love for each other…just reminded me of how hard it is and torturous to be a long distance relationships! I love this drama! Any recommendation as to what watch next you guys?

  2. Both mentioned cutie pie “My Chan” hahaha… true that was his nick. Too bad I havent seen the actor in any other drama, sometimes I see an actor that looks like him and I go nuts looking up to see if it is him hahaha.. I still remember his cuteness although its been long since I watched CP XD
    I guess its time to enjoy “My Chan” once again. :p

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