Author Archives: JADEEYES

The Good, The Bad, and The Ghostly

Van Ness Wu’s Profile

Random Video Corner: The Banana Song

The Banana Song from Despicable Me 2, done a la Asian!

Red 2. Can’t Wait!

Do I Hear Wedding Bells?

Pick Your Valentine

Sometimes Valentine day comes and we suddenly see ourselves wishing we could just have a romantic date with one of our favorite idols.

I mean, why not? it’s only fair, after all everyone should have the right to a valentine. Real or not real.
So no more waiting for Mr right when there are plenty to choose from… err, among five lovely hunks 😉

Its hard to pick one? No worries, we also had a hard time picking only five 😉

A Pop Invasion in Dramatardia

This is an announcement for all our drama addicts, but I think it will especially interest the Kpop fans that read us 😉

Yes, because we are now working in collaboration with our fellow drama addicts at KPop Invasion; and they talk about everything KPOP … so expect new reviews on dramas from authors MKay, and Lis, and jump over to their blog to see what’s popping in the KPop entertainment world. 😉

To start, why not check out what they have in spotlight this month? ^ ^
KPop Invasion Spotlight


Park Yoochun’s Profile

Mean Guy — Review

Lee Min Ki’s Profile