Dramatards Triathlon 2014 Update #3

Hello everyone! Have you been having fun this year? We’ve passed the halfway point and are now in month #7. Time to check in with our challenge updates!

1/0 Anime
11/20 Dramas
6/30 Movies

0/25 Anime
19/25 Drama
21/50 Movies

8/20 Anime
30/20 Dramas
43/60 Movies

hahaha SO I’ve watched over my goal for dramas. xD All three of us have mad e a lot of progress since the last update. I hope we meet our goals. How is your challenge going? Please share in the comments!

About sleepninja

Sleepninja is the Co-Admin of The Dramatards: https://ddramatards.wordpress.com

Posted on July 4, 2014, in General Posts and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I haven’t even started on any Anime yet and I thought that would be the easiest one for me to finish up haha
    Been on a serious Drama kick the past month, I think that I will probably exceed that goal 😀

    Dramas: 13/20
    Movies: 7/15
    Anime: 0/25

    • hahaha I know what you mean. I’ve been watching too many shows and not as may movies or anime. I thought for sure I’d be flying through the movies and go over the goal. xD

  2. Same as last update….

    Dramas: 5/10
    Anime: 3/2 + 2 Anime films + 2 Infinite animes [Can’t believe I crossed limit in this one]
    Movies: 50/100 + 2 films ~70% on hold and 15+ dropped Bollywood films

  3. Anime 10/10 (Done!)
    Movies 8/15
    Dramas 15/30

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